Steps to Apply
Please note that it is first come first serve, the deadline is April 30th, but spots are limited.
1) Download and print Applications
2) Fill in applications
- if you need help filling in applications
3) Mail, deliver, fax in applications. (location depends on where you live). No later than April 30th.
Bold Eagle: Canadian Forces Recruiting Ctr
140-1783 Hamilton St,
Regina, SK
S4P 2B4
Fax: 1-306-780-3629
4) get supporting documents, Birth Certificate, One of: Status Card, License, Provincial Health Card.
- Do not wait for these, send in your application as soon as you have it filled out, then send in PHOTOCOPIES only.
- note that you will have to take originals in to your interviews.
5) Once the application is received by the recruiting office and reviewed (1-2 week wait) you will get a call or email; If you dont get contacted call and ask "what is the status of my application? Can I book my interview, medical and physical test?"
- Where you call will depend on where you live.
Saskatchewan - Phone:(306) 780-6550
6) You will get booked for Medical, Interview, Physical Test.
7) Once accepted you will be given a location and time and instructions. If at any time you have questions about these instructions call the number they gave or the recruiting centre you applied at.